1. Self intro 2. Day to day activities 3. Package and forward declaration 4.Difference between collection and record 5.identify the duplicate rows 6.Complexed need o/p like this C O M P L E X E D 7. Gtt 8. In gtt concept one table created on commit preserve rows. User doing some activities in session 1 and suddenly he power off the system ,now the data will save in gtt table or not 8. Trigger 9.which methodology you are working 10. In toad what is the data module. MSC TECHNOLOGY QUESTIONS 1.Tell about u r self 2. Synonyms and Sequence 3. What is primary key and how it works? 4. What is cursor and types? 5.tell how you work on release management. 6.write any procedure for % rowtype 7.views and mviews 8. Write correlated subquery 9. Exception and how its works? 10. What is know exception. 11. What is index? use of index in your project? 12 in Mview how we insert data and types of Mview? MSc today interview question 1st round: 1.tell about yourself 2.explain your project 3.diff b/w views and tables 4.what is triggers and triggers type 5.diff b/w row level trigger and statement level trigger 6.diff b/w union and union all 7.what is index and it's type 8.diff b/w b*tree index and bitmap index 9.what is ref.cursor 10.what is join and it's type 11.diff b/w equi join and outer join 12.what is constraint and it's type 13.diff b/w primary constraint and unique constraint 14.what is Mviews 15.what is packages and uses of packages 16.what is Sequence and write the syntax 17.performance tuning 18.write the feature in 11G and 12c 19.A 1 2 3 6 7 How many time trigger fires in row level And how many time trigger fires in Statement level above the table MSC interview questions 1.what is table 2.what r the constraints 3.what is index and its types 4.what is joins and types of joins 5.why we use join 6.give join example based on ur project 7.what is table partitions why we are using 8.what is view 9.type of views 10.why we r using view 11.what is force view 12.what is materialized view and its type 13.why we use materialized view 14.what is materialized view u created explain based on ur project 15.how will log file created 16.what is methodology ur using 17.in performance tunning how will u find the problem line. 18.what is cursor and its type and attributes 19.write example for explicit and implicit cursor 20.why we are creating package 21.what is parent and child table name the table u created 22.explain correlated subquery 23.are u used toad tool 24.are u raised ticket 25.what are methods u follow to improve query performance 26.are u used trigger type of triggers 27.what trigger u used in ur project 28.write trigger to restrict data insertion in particular table 29.what are the collection types 30.where u used collection in ur project